English - Urdu Translation

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English to Urdu Translator Online

Whether for business, study, work, or personal use, our free online translator provides instant translation services between English and Urdu. Whether translating emails from Urdu suppliers, website content, or other documents, we offer fast and accurate translation solutions.
Our translator utilizes machine translation technology powered by Google API, it can automatically translate text without any human intervention. This machine translation technology ensures complete confidentiality of the data being processed.

Common Phrases for English to Urdu Translation

hi ہیلو
good morning صبح بخیر
good afternoon دوپہر بخیر
good night شب بخیر
i love you میں تم سے محبت کرتا ہوں
thank you شکریہ
you're welcome آپ کا استقبال ہے۔
excuse me معاف کیجئے گا
sorry معذرت
goodbye الوداع
what's your name آپ کا نام کیا ہے
how are you آپ کیسے ہیں
have a good day آپ کا دن اچھا گزرے۔
nice to meet you آپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی۔
please براہ مہربانی
stop روکو
help me میری مدد کرو
happy birthday سالگرہ مبارک ہو
i miss you میں تمہیں یاد کرتا ہوں
you are beautiful تم خوبصورت ہو
see you later بعد میں ملتے ہیں۔
see you tomorrow کل ملتے ہیں

Explore English to Urdu Comparison Information

  • Germanic Language family
  • Primary Country - United States
  • Is spoken in over 100 countries around the world
  • 1.5 billion speakers worldwide
  • Indo-Aryan Language family
  • Primary Country - Pakistan
  • Is spoken in 6 countries around the world
  • 250 million speakers worldwide


  • Select English as the source language.
  • Choose Urdu as the target language.
  • Enter (or paste) the text.
  • Click the "Translate" button, and the translation results will be displayed instantly.
You can copy or download the translated text for further use.
Yes, the translation from English to Urdu is completely free. You can translate without any limitations, with the only restriction being a maximum of 1,000 characters per request to ensure our service is not abused.
Currently, it lets you translate text into 130+ languages, with more to come.
Our tool utilizes machine translation engines powered by the "Google Translation API" and "Microsoft Translation API." Both engines are among the best in the world, ensuring highly accurate translations.