Somali - French Translation

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Somali to French Translator Online

Whether for business, study, work, or personal use, our free online translator provides instant translation services between Somali and French. Whether translating emails from French suppliers, website content, or other documents, we offer fast and accurate translation solutions.
Our translator utilizes machine translation technology powered by Google API, it can automatically translate text without any human intervention. This machine translation technology ensures complete confidentiality of the data being processed.

Common Phrases for Somali to French Translation

hi Salut
subax wanaagsan bonjour
galab wanaagsan bon après-midi
habeen wanaagsan bonne nuit
waan ku jeclahay Je vous aime
mahadsanid merci
waad mahadsantahay vous êtes les bienvenus
iga raali noqo excusez-moi
ka xumahay Désolé
nabad gelyo au revoir
magacaa quel est ton nom
sidee tahay comment vas-tu ?
maalin wanaagsan passe une bonne journée
fiican inaan kula kulmo ravi de vous rencontrer
fadlan s'il te plaît
joojin arrêt
i caawi aide-moi
dhalasho wacan joyeux anniversaire
waan ku xiisay tu me manques
waad qurux badan tahay tu es belle
is arag danbe à plus tard
is arag berri à demain

Explore Somali to French Comparison Information

  • Afro-Asiatic Language family
  • Primary Country - Somalia
  • Is spoken in 4 countries around the world
  • 15 million speakers worldwide
  • Romance Language family
  • Primary Country - France
  • Is spoken in 29 countries around the world
  • 274 million speakers worldwide


  • Select Somali as the source language.
  • Choose French as the target language.
  • Enter (or paste) the text.
  • Click the "Translate" button, and the translation results will be displayed instantly.
You can copy or download the translated text for further use.
Yes, the translation from Somali to French is completely free. You can translate without any limitations, with the only restriction being a maximum of 1,000 characters per request to ensure our service is not abused.
Currently, it lets you translate text into 130+ languages, with more to come.
Our tool utilizes machine translation engines powered by the "Google Translation API" and "Microsoft Translation API." Both engines are among the best in the world, ensuring highly accurate translations.