Uzbek - Japanese Translation

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Uzbek to Japanese Translator Online

Whether for business, study, work, or personal use, our free online translator provides instant translation services between Uzbek and Japanese. Whether translating emails from Japanese suppliers, website content, or other documents, we offer fast and accurate translation solutions.
Our translator utilizes machine translation technology powered by Google API, it can automatically translate text without any human intervention. This machine translation technology ensures complete confidentiality of the data being processed.

Common Phrases for Uzbek to Japanese Translation

salom こんにちは
xayrli tong おはよう
hayrli kun こんにちは
hayrli tun おやすみ
Men sizni sevaman 愛してます
rahmat ありがとう
salomat bo'ling どういたしまして
kechirasiz すみません
kechirasiz ごめん
Xayr. Salomat bo'ling さようなら
ismingiz nima あなたの名前は何ですか
qalaysiz 元気ですか?
kuningiz xayrli bo'lsin 良い一日を
Siz bilan tanishganimdan xursandman はじめまして
Iltimos お願いします
Yordam bering 助けて
tug'ilgan kun muborak bo'lsin お誕生日おめでとう
sizni sog'indim 私はあなたがいなくて寂しいです
sen go'zalsan あなたは美しいです
ko'rishguncha また後で
ertaga ko'rishguncha また明日ね

Explore Uzbek to Japanese Comparison Information

  • Turkic Language family
  • Primary Country - Uzbekistan
  • Is spoken in 4 countries around the world
  • 30 million speakers worldwide
  • Japonic language family
  • Primary Country - Japan
  • Is spoken in 1 country around the world
  • 128 million speakers worldwide


  • Select Uzbek as the source language.
  • Choose Japanese as the target language.
  • Enter (or paste) the text.
  • Click the "Translate" button, and the translation results will be displayed instantly.
You can copy or download the translated text for further use.
Yes, the translation from Uzbek to Japanese is completely free. You can translate without any limitations, with the only restriction being a maximum of 1,000 characters per request to ensure our service is not abused.
Currently, it lets you translate text into 130+ languages, with more to come.
Our tool utilizes machine translation engines powered by the "Google Translation API" and "Microsoft Translation API." Both engines are among the best in the world, ensuring highly accurate translations.